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Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Karimun Jawa Islands

Karimunjawa Islands area unit a cluster of twenty seven Islands within the Java ocean, settled within the Sub-District of Karimunjawa, Jepara Regency, Central Java province, Indonesia. With its natural conditions area unit marvelous and delightful, Eucharia offers natural attraction of Khalifa, and Karimun Jawa has some reasonably flora, i.e. coral reefs, flowering tree forests, coastal forests and lowland forests. whereas the wealth of faunanya consists of ruminant and long-tailed macaques and therefore the aquatic fauna consists of 242 species of decorative fish and 133 aquatic genera. during this location there's conjointly a sort of rare fauna initial developed the island of birds and bird-like Geleang Island, sea eagle, white chest and 2 species of turtle, the Eretmochelys imbricata and therefore the inexperienced turtle.

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