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Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Forest Of Bukit Barisan Selatan National Park

The location of the park covers an area of Tanggamus, Hull West, and Bengkulu, Indonesia Forest National Park in Bukit Barisan Selatan visitors can explore the jungle, swimming, kayaking, observing the plants in the forest, camping, and down the River. In the Forest Park includes plants that characterized a typical National Park: Arum Tall (Arnorphophallus decus-silvae), Giant Arum (a. titanum), giant Orchid/cane (Grammatophylum specionsum), Sonneratia (Sonneratia SP.), Palm (Nypa fruticans), Ocean Evergreen (Casuaria equisetifolia), Pandan (pandanus SP.), Roxy (Michelia champaka), meranti (Shorea sp.), mersawa (Anisoptera curtisii), Ramin (Gonystylus bancanus), keruing (Dipterocarpus sp.), Kauri (Agathis sp.), rattan (Calamus sp.), and the flower of Rafflesia (Rafflesia arnoldi). There are also other types of animals between bergai: 118 species of mammals, 7 species of primate, 425, 9 types of Rangkong bird, 91 types of raptil and ampibi, and 51 types of fish, honey Bears, Tigers, Sumatra, Sumatran Elephants.

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