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Friday, September 7, 2012

Tourism Object West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia


The Island Of Gili Trawangan

Mount Rinjani

Lombok is located in the province of West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia or in East Bali and can diakes with air, quick ship, ferry or the beauty of the beach and the General sunshine, white beaches, coastal lip shine in the unique culture and berpariwisata in the Lomboksangat perfect for a honeymoon, family holiday, or people who are looking for a relaxing holiday.
In Lombak is not only just about Lombok island became the object of its tourism, the beauty of Lombok and eksotismenya will invite you and your partner Moon here. So also with the exsotisme a very beautiful Island Gilis. The island is one of the two largest islands are owned by the province of West Nusa Tenggara. The natural landscape and coastal glamour, making Lombok became one of the purposes of tourism in Indonesia.

Gili Gili Island Tour objects or small islands in West Lombok Regency Terawangan, not only on the visit of tourists crowded local manup also foreign tourists. Anyone who came to Gili Trawangan definitely will come back again, local or foreign wisatan wisatan, because when diving on the coast of Gili Trawangan lot looks stunning in the sea like fish and various types of coral.

Lombok is not only shore excursions, diving, windsurfing. But also natural tourist destinations in menggagumkan also: mount rinjani. Mount Rinjani 3.726 m altitude above sea level is the second highest volcano in Indonesia after mount kerinci or punjak jaya puncakketiga highest after / Carstenz Pyramid in Papua. Mount Rinjani in Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara and enter into the area of the National Park of Mount Rinjani. The Park is also listed in the UNESCO as geological park in Indonesia.

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