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Saturday, September 15, 2012

Talamau Mount

Mount Talamau is located in the village of Pinagar, Kinali, Pasaman Barat, West Sumatra, Indonesia. In the middle of the forest the forest of Mount Talamau or not far from the top of the mountain, there are 13 exquisite telaga on tourist visit. The 13 pools are: Little Month, Talago Puti Talago Buts Sutan Telago Bagindo, Surau, Buts Puti Mambang Siuntuang already, Talago Talago Puti, Youngest Talago Rajo, Gods, Talago Mandeh Talago blue Nuns, Langik, Draw Talago Talago Cindua Mato, and Buluah Parindu. Talago Water pools which is one source jermih springs that are often used by climbers in for consumption.
Panorama of Mount Talamau instead of just 13, but the quietness that is all charm of nature that is still beautiful and cool. In the Woods there is a wide variety of different kinds of wildlife that you can encounter, such as: Rangkong Bird (Buceros rhinoceros), Sumatran Pheasant (Lophura inornata), the black-thighed Flaconet, red junglefowl, pig (Sus barbatus) his beard, neck yellow Weasel (Martes flavigula), Gibbon (Hylobates muelleri), white forehead Langurs (Presbytis frontata), tricolour Squirrel (Callosciurus prevostil), Weasel Grasshopper (Hernigalus derbyanus), Cat (Felis marmorata) rock, Deer (Cervus unicolor) and Branches (Neofelis nebulos) who is often referred to by locals, is The Campo.

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