Jayawijaya mountains is the
name of a row of mountains that lie in the middle of the province of West Papua
and Papua (Indonesia) until Papua Newguinea do Guinea. A row of mountains have
some of the highest peak in Indonesia was formed due to the removal of the sea
thousands of years ago. Jayawijaya mountains is also the only that has a top
that Indonesia covered by perennial snow. Jayawijaya Mountains lies one of the
world's top 7 in 7 continents, i.e. Carsztenz Pyramid is located. Jayawijaya
mountains in Indonesia which is also nicknamed "bertutup mountain snow on
the equator, not all in the snowcapped peaks of Jayawijaya.Even a lot of snow
on the peaks of Jayawijaya which began to disappear due to climate change.
Jayawijaya mountains consists of six peaks are Puncak Jaya, Pinnacle Peak,
JAMin, Mandala, Idenberg Peak Peak, East Peak Carsztensz and Trikora.
Punjak Jaya is the top part of
the Sudirman in Papua Province, Indonesia. Puncak jaya have Height and peak
4884 mdpl where glaciers are, the only glacier Carstenz tropical Indonesia, big
yangkemungkinan will be lost because of pemanasandipuncak. Most named Sukarno
and Poentjak is the highest mountain in Oceania. Puncak jaya is one of the top
of the world.
Mandala in Colonial Heights
Netherlands known as Julian or peak Juliana was one in Papua, Indonesia. With
an elevation of 4760 mdpl, Mandala Peak is the highest mountain in Indonesia
after Puncak jaya. Top of the Mandala form part of the Eastern Star Mountain
and is situated near the border of Papua Newguinea.
Trikora peak is a mountain
located in West Papua, Indonesia. The Summit has an elevation of 4737 Trikora
mdpl tall, becoming the third highest mountain in Puncak jaya and Indonesia
after the peak of the mandala. Trikora peak has forested hills of Dipterokarp,
Dipterokarp forest, upper Montane forest, and Ericaceous Forest or Mountain
Forest (Wilhelminatop).
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