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Saturday, September 1, 2012

The Beauty Of LAKE TOBA

The Beauty Of LAKE TOBA

Lake Toba is a volcanic Lake with size of 100 kilometers in length and 30 kilometres wide, located in the province of North Sumatra, Indonesia. This Lake is the largest lake in Indonesia and Southeast Asia. In the middle of the Lake there is a volcanic island named Samosir Lake Toba Island. Since a long time been an important tourist destination in addition to Bukit Lawang Sumatera Utara, Nias, Berastagi and attract tourists domestic and foreign tourists.
This Lake is a privilege the former supervolcano eruptions are more or less around 73,000-75,000 years ago, these events led to the death of mass and in some species also followed the extinction.
After the eruption, the caldera was formed by water and then filled into what is now known as Lake Toba. Pressure by magma that hasn't come out led to the island Samosir.
Many tourists fact-finding missions or foreign tourists prefer staying on the island of Samosir, which is located in the middle of this giant Lake. As a native Batak Toba, Samosir Island has the remains of ancient grave stones and traditional villages. At Tomok (Samosir Island) there is also a tomb of King Sidabutar, which was already 500 years. There is also a statue of Sigale-Gale (sculpture can dance). On this island you can find unique cultures and ancient Toba. Samosir is a suitable place to visit and avoid kepenatan routine of the city. Samosir is within easy reach by boat from Parapat ferri.

Although it has been a tourist destination since the old place, Samosir is unspoiled natural beauty. Beranikan self out of the small village of Tuk-Tuk and Tomok. You can also enjoy the atmosphere of a village surrounded by fields, Church permai and exotic land that meets cemetery.

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