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Tuesday, September 11, 2012

National Park Of Mount Bromo Tengger Semeru

Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park is a national park in East Java, Indonesia. The Park was established in 1982 with an area of approximately 3 Ha 50.276. This National Park is one of the main tourist destinations in East Java, for fans of hiking are advised to take the route of Malang due to biased menimati the beauty of sea sand longer mount Bromo.
Some types of flora and fauna found in the Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park another anara Jamuju (Dacrycarpus Imbricatus), cemara gunung (Casuarina SP.), eidelweis (Anaphalis Javanica), various types of orchids and rare types of grass (Styphelia pungieus). Wildlife include Badger (Pardofelis marmorata), deer (Cervus timorensis), long-tailed macaques (Macaca fascicularis), barking deer (Muntiacus muntjak), hutam red chicken (Gallus gallus), leopards (Panthera pardus), wild dog (Cuon alpinus), rangkong (Buceros rhinoceros silvestris), bidao snake eagle (Spilornis cheela crested), Eagle bondol (Haliastur indus) and many more.

See a panoramic view of Mt. Bromo mountain nature, batok, Mount semeru. Generally tourists travel to bromo sunrise to see the phenomenon of Ranu pananjakan Ranu Regulo, Ranu Pani Kumbolo and Peak gunur semeru. Ter Lakes can be very cold and always foggy (CA. 2200 m. above sea level) is often used as a transit place mountaineers Semeru (± 3.676 m. above sea level).

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