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Saturday, September 15, 2012

Lake Singkarak

Lake Singkarak is located in two districts namely Tanah Datar and Solok, West Sumatra Province, Indonesia. Sinkarak Lake with an area of 107.8 km2 it is the largest lake in Sumatra after Lake Toba in North Sumatra Province, Science. In addition, the natural beauty of the air and water, coolness crystal clear is the charm of Lake Singkarak so so special to visit.
Lake Singkarak has a typical fish that only sepesies living in the Lake. Local people call it with "fish, Bukit Tinggi" (Mystacoleuseus Padangenesis). These fish can not be in budidayakan anywhere in the aquarium, pond, even in floating nets on Lake Singkarak. The fish can only live in the original habita For tourists who want to enjoy Lake Singkarak, supplied from the nearby boat tours and traditional boat to down the Lake. The clarity of the water and Lake Singkarak glamour can be felt from the top of the boat at a cost that is affordable by tourists relative.

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